
Each plugin has a translations folder, where you can find the messages-ln.json files, one for each language available in our application. These files contain an object with a list of key-value sets.

In the .vue files you will use strings on different purposes (for example, to name a button) and you will need to update their translation according to the language you choose in the app. This action is possible using our translation function $t, that can be used in 2 forms:

1. Vue template


where PLUGIN will be the name of your plugin and STRING_TO_TRANSLATE is a keyword for the actual text that you want to add.

2. Code


where text is a parameter of a function (for example showNotification) that includes the translation function.

We use this.vue.$t(text) so the program knows to translate the parameter text, regardless of the value it receives. When we call the showNotification function, text will also receive a keyword, for example:


In both situations, ‘PLUGIN_STRING_TO_TRANSLATE’ is a key that you will include in the messages-ln.json file, for each language. Its corresponding value is a new object, that contains a message (the translation itself) and a description.

For example, let’s say that in your message-en.json (English language) you want to translate the word ‘Close’, that will be attached to a button.

                "message": "Close",
                "description": "This button is used to close the current window."

As you can imagine, in your messages-fr.json (French language), you’ll have:

                "message": "Fermer",
                "description": "This button is used to close the current window."

Load and Send translation files

Inside the Wyliodrin Studio repository, you will find a directory named tools, which includes a translation sub-directory, with a translation.js main file. Here, you have 2 options to run this file:

node translation.js

This command joins all the key-value sets from all the existing plugins, for each language, into the messages-ln.json files from the current translation folder. It also checks for errors through all these files, using as reference file the english translation, and it lets you know if there are missing or duplicate keywords in a certain language.

node translation.js send

Compiling the code with the ‘send’ argument helps you split all the translations in a messages-ln.json file according to the plugin related to each key-value set. It also copies the description from the english translation and applies it to the corresponding keyword for every other language.